Cleveland Whist Club

660.19--the total masterpoints earned by winners at local club games so far this year.
Never play to trick one as declarer until you have counted your winners and losers, and developed your plan for the hand (Will you be pulling trump, cross-ruffing, setting up a side suit?). Kathy Sulgrove
Top Ten individual Winners This Year at All Clubs
1 ProfileImage Chet Jain 31
1 ProfileImage Davis Bonner 31
3 ProfileImage Pat Chisholm 28
4 ProfileImage Susan Stark 27
4 ProfileImage Thomas Rice 27
6 Peggy Friedman 23
7 Harriet Kitay 22
8 ProfileImage Marlene Zinamon 21
9 ProfileImage Kenneth Kranyak 20
10 ProfileImage Barbara Cunliffe 19
See Full List of Pair Winners for this Year