Winners at All Clubs This Month
Friday, May 10th
61.01% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Kenneth Kranyak and Michael Creager

Mayfield Sand Ridge Club DupResults
60.42% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Davis Bonner and Stephanie Alexander

Mayfield Sand Ridge Club DupResults
Wednesday, May 8th
62.67% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Barbara Cunliffe and Angela Strainic

Hillcrest Duplicate ClubResults
61.06% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Peter Miller and Marlene Zinamon

Hillcrest Duplicate ClubResults
Monday, May 6th
64.81% ProfileImage

Janet Auwerter and Barbara Peterman

Heights Duplicate ClubResults
64.00% ProfileImage

Janet Auwerter and Barbara Peterman

Heights Duplicate ClubResults
61.48% ProfileImage

George Lupone and Mary Ganske

Andy's Bridge ClubResults
61.48% ProfileImage

George Lupone and Mary Ganske

Andy's Bridge ClubResults
61.43% ProfileImage

Joan Avery and Brick Brick

Heights Duplicate ClubResults
60.88% ProfileImage

Joan Avery and Brick Brick

Heights Duplicate ClubResults
58.47% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Harvey Bernstein and Sue Knirsch

Andy's Bridge ClubResults
58.47% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Harvey Bernstein and Sue Knirsch

Andy's Bridge ClubResults
Saturday, May 4th
63.70% ProfileImage

Steven Wolotsky and Sushil Suri

Beachwood Duplicate BCResults
62.59% ProfileImage

Steven Wolotsky and Sushil Suri

Beachwood Duplicate BCResults
62.50% ProfileImage

Enid German-Beck and Walter Rom

Bratenahl ClubResults

Tim Ruffus and Jamieson Judy

Bratenahl ClubResults
Friday, May 3rd
68.63% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Susan Stark and Pat Chisholm

Mayfield Sand Ridge Club DupResults
59.38% ProfileImage

Nicholas Ogan and Jr Pivarski

Mayfield Sand Ridge Club DupResults
Wednesday, May 1st

Carol Gray and Diane Peltz

Hillcrest Duplicate ClubResults
61.48% ProfileImage

Rhona Jacobson and Linda Harper

Hillcrest Duplicate ClubResults
59.03% ProfileImage ProfileImage

Chet Jain and Andrew Halpern

Beechmont Bridge ClubResults